Hotel Shubham
Contact Details, Tariff & Reviews of Hotel Shubham Chandipur
The complete contact details of Hotel Shubham in Chandipur including address, phone numbers, email address, website address etc. are given below.

Address of Hotel Shubham Chandipur
Sonapur Road, Near Pantha Nivas, Chandipur, Odisha 756025
Phone Number of Hotel Shubham Chandipur
06782-270225 / 06782-270025
Mobile Number of Hotel Shubham Chandipur
+91-9438214649 / +91-9437586304
Website Address of Hotel Shubham Chandipur
Tariff of Hotel Shubham Chandipur
For getting latest tariff & offers please contact Hotel Shubham Chandipur directly.